Crysis 3 Tweak Guide
[Page 3] Graphics Settings
Crysis 3 has numerous graphics-related settings, and these can have a substantial impact on the way the game looks and plays on your system. To access all of the available graphics settings, select Options under the Main Menu, then first select the Graphic Options item, then the Advanced Graphics Options item for further adjustment. In the following section we'll go through each of these graphics settings in detail, and see exactly how they affect performance and image quality.
In the performance graphs shown, for each setting we start with a "baseline" where the System Spec preset is at High, V-Sync is Off, and Anti-aliasing is Disabled. From this baseline, we vary individual settings to measure their effect on performance and image quality. To see how various combinations of settings work for NVIDIA GPUs, check out the Optimal Playable Settings section of
Full System Configuration