Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Tweak Guide
[Page 11] Console Commands
This section contains all the console commands for Oblivion. To activate the in-game console, first check that the bAllowConsole setting in your Oblivion.ini file is set to 1, which it should be by default (See Advanced Tweaking section above). Next, start Oblivion and load up a game. To open or close the console at any time, press the '~' key (the key above TAB). This may vary on some european keyboards, in which case try the ' button, or the button next to 1 to open your console.
While the console is open the game will be paused, your HUD will disappear, and you will notice a thin white horizontal cursor prompt in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. You can type in any of the console commands below in long form or use the short form if one is provided (in brackets). For example, you can either type in togglewireframe or twf and press ENTER, and the command to turn wireframe mode on/off will be executed. See the next page for details of how to use specific useful commands.
Below are all the major console commands for Oblivion. You can also download the full list from here: OblivionCommands.zip (4KB). Note that the descriptions are those that the developers have written with a few minor modifications by me:
AddDecal -
AddFaceAnimNote (afan) -
Autosave - Saves current game to your Autosave slot
Bat - Executes batch file [e.g. bat test.txt]
BeginTrace (bt) - Creates a trace file (XBox only)
BetaComment (bc) -
CalcLowPathToPoint (lp2p) -
CenterOnCell (coc) -
CenterOnExterior (coe) -
CenterOnWorld (cow) - [e.g. COW worldname -10 5]
ClearAdaptedLight (cal) - Clears the HDR adapted light texture
ClearScreen (cls) - Clears text from console
CloseFile -
CompleteAllQuestStages (caqs) - Sets all quest stages
Disable - The selected NPC or Object will be removed from the game. Use Enable command to add them back
DumpTexturePalette (dtp) - Dump texture palette contents to warning file
Enable - Adds back an NPC or Object removed using the Disable command
EnableFast - EnableFastTravel
FlushNonPersistActors (flush) - Deletes all the actors in High who are not persistant
ForceWeather (fw) - Forces the active weather to the specified type, without transition
FreezeRenderAccumulation (fra) - Only re-render geometry visible during this frame
GetIgnoreFriendlyHits (gifh) -
GetINISetting (getini) -
HairTint -
Help - Shows some help dialog
Kill -
KillAllActors (killall) -
LoadGame (load) - Loads a saved game [e.g. load
ModPCAttribute (modpca) - Modify an actor value [e.g. modpca luck, 10]
ModPCSkill - (modpcs) - Modify the player's skill [e.g. modpcs blunt, 10]
ModScale - Modify the scale of an object
ModWaterShader (mws) - Modifies water shader settings
MoveToQuestTarget (movetoqt) - Move player to current quest target (optional param: target number)
OutputArchiveProfile (oap) - Output Archive profile info to a file
OutputLocalMapPictures (olmp) - Writes out the current local map
OutputMemContexts (omc) - Output Mem Context info to a file
OutputMemStats (oms) - Output Mem Stats info to a file
PickRefByID (prid) - Select a reference by id for the console
PlayBink - Plays Bink movie file
Player.payfine - Pays off all outstanding bounties
Player.placeatme - Summons an NPC with the stated ID Number
PlayerSpellBook (psb) - Add all spells to player
PlayMagicEffectVisuals (pme) -
PlayMagicShaderVisuals (pms) -
PrintAiList (pai) - Printed Ai Lists
PrintHDRParam (php) - Prints current HDR settings
PrintNPCDialog (pdialog) - Prints NPC dialog
PurgeCellBuffers (pcb) - Forcibly unloads all unattached cells in cell buffers
QuiteGame (qqq) - Exit game without going through menus
Refreshini (refini) - Refresh INI settings from Oblivion.ini file
RefreshShaders - Reload HLSL shaders from disk
ReloadCurrentClimate (rcc) - Reloads values from the current climate
ReloadCurrentWeather (rcw) - Reloads values from the current weather
ReleaseWeatherOverride (rwo) -
ReloadCurrentClimate (rcc) - Reloads values from the current climate
ReloadCurrentWeather (rcw) - Reloads values from the current weather
Reset3DState -
ResetHealth -
ResetMemContexts (rmc) - Reset Max Mem Contexts
ResurrectActor (resurrect) - Resurrects the selected NPC
RevertWorld (rw) - Revert the world
RunCellTest (rct) - Runs a cell test
RunMemoryPass (rmp) - Runs a cleanup memory pass
SaveGame (save) - Saves current game with a the
SaveIniFiles (saveini) - Writes all the .ini files
SetActorAlpha (saa) -
SetActorRefraction (sar) -
SetCameraFOV (fov) - Change the camera's field of view (in deg): default 75
SetClipDist - New clip distance
SetDebugText (sdt) - Sets which debug text is shown
SetFog - 2 floats, start and end depths
SetGameSetting (setgs) -
SetGamma (sg) - Sets new gamma ramp
SetHDRParam (shp) - Sets various values for the HDR shader
SetIgnoreFriendlyHits (sifh) -
SetImageSpaceGlow (sisg) -
SetIniSetting (setini) - Sets an .ini value, parameters are "setting:category" value [e.g. "bAllowScreenShot:Display" 1]
SetLightingPasses (slp) - 4 (0/1) values. amb|diff|tex|spec ex: 1010
SetScale - Set the scale of an object
SetShowQuestItems -
SetSkyParam (ssp) - Sets various values for the sky
SetSTBBColorConstants (sscc) - Show speedtree billboard color tweak constants
SetTargetRefraction (str) - Sets the refractive value of the target
SetTargetRefractionFire (strf) - Sets the refractive fire value of the target
SetTreeMipmapBias (stmb) - Set mipmap LOD bias values for tree billboards
SetWeather (sw) - Sets the active weather to the specified type
SexChange - Selected npc male become female or female becomes male
Show (tst) - Show values of script variables [e.g. show gamedayspassed]
Show1stPerson (s1st) - Show the 1st person Model from 3rd person camera. If in 3rd person it will show both
ShowAnim (sa) - Show Animation and Actor status
ShowBirthSignMenu - Lets you change character birthsign
ShowClassMenu - Lets you change character class
ShowQuestLog (sql) -
ShowFullQuestLog (sfql) - Show all log entries for a single quest
ShowHeadTrackTarget (sheadt)- Show the head track target if set from look function
ShowPivot (sp) - Puts a temporary yellow plus at the pivot point of the selected reference
ShowQuests (sq) - List quests
ShowQuestTargets (sqt) - Show current quest targets
ShowQuestVars (sqv) - Show quest variables. [e.g. svq QuestID]
ShowRaceMenu - Displays character face customization menu
ShowRenderPasses (srp) - display render passes for the next frame
ShowScenegraph (ssg) - Create a window with the full game scene graph
ShowSubSpaces (sss) - Temporarily displays subspaces
ShowSubtitle (srp) - show all dialog subtitles (1 shows always, 0 hides always)
ShowVars (sv) - Show variables on object. [e.g. player->sv]
ShowViewerStrings (svs) -
ShowWhoDetectsPlayer (swdp) -
SpeakSound -
StartAllQuests (saq) - Starts all quests
StopCombat - Stops combat for current enemy
StopMagicEffectVisuals (sme) -
StopMagicShaderVisuals (sms) -
TakeCover - Forces a actor to move away from the target actor for a period of time
TestAllCells (tac) - Test All Cells (0 - stop, 1 - start, 2 - interiors, 3 - current world)
TestCode -
TestLocalMap (tlm) - Simulates the local map (1 or 0 for FOW on or off)
TestSeenData (tsd) - Visually displays the current seen data
ToggleAI (tai) -
ToggleAiSchedules (tais) -
ToggleBorders (tb) -
ToggleCastShadows (tsh) -
ToggleCellNode (tcn) - Toggle 3D for a Cell child node: 0-Actor, 1-Marker, 2-Land, 3-Water, 4-Static, 5-Active
ToggleCharControllerShape (tccs) - Toggle char controller shape type
ToggleCollision (tcl) -
ToggleCollisionGeometry (tcg) - Show collision geometry
ToggleCombatAI (tcai) - Toggles all Combat AI
ToggleCombatStats (tcs) -
ToggleConversations (tconv) - Toggle conversation stats
ToggleDebugText (tdt) - Show debug numbers on the screen, including FPS
ToggleDetection (tdetect) -
ToggleDetectionStats (tds) - Show the detection stats of the current seletected Ref
ToggleEmotions (temo) - Toggle NPC facial emotions
ToggleFlyCam (tfc) - Toggles the Free Fly camera (UFO cam)
ToggleFogOfWar (tfow) - Turns fog of war on or off
ToggleFullHelp (tfh) - Toggle Full Help
ToggleGodMode (tgm) - Toggle God mode
ToggleGrass (tg) - Toggle grass display
ToggleGrassUpdate (tgu) -
ToggleHDRDebug (thd) - Toggles HDR debug textures
ToggleHighProcess (thighprocess) -
ToggleLeaves (tlv) -
ToggleLiteBrite (tlb) - Toggles lite brite render mode
ToggleLODLand (tll) -
ToggleLowProcess (tlowprocess) -
ToggleMagicStats (tms) -
ToggleMapMarkers (tmm) - Toggle map markers (1 shows all, 0 hides all)
ToggleMaterialGeometry (tmg) - Show material geometry
ToggleMenus (tm) - Hide all the menus. Used for taking screen shots
ToggleMiddleHighProcess (tmhighprocess) -
ToggleMiddleLowProcess (tmlowprocess) -
ToggleOcclusion (tocc) - toggle occlusion query for geometry
TogglePathGrid (tpg) -
TogglePathLine (tpl) -
ToggleRefractionDebug (trd) - Toggles refraction debug render texture
ToggleSafeZone - Display the television 85% safe zone
ToggleScripts (tscr) - Turn Script processing on/off
ToggleShadowVolumes float (tsv) -
ToggleSky (ts) -
ToggleTrees (tt) - Turn trees on/off
ToggleWaterRadius (twr) -
ToggleWaterSystem (tws) - Toggles the water system
ToggleWireframe (twf) - Show the world as wireframe
TriggerHitShader (ths) -
Unlock - unlocks targeted doors or chests
Verbose - Toggle verbose combat/AI messages
WasteMemory (wm) - Allocates some memory (in MB)
WaterDeepColor (deep) - Modifies water deep color
WaterReflectionColor (refl) - Modifies water reflection color
WaterShallowColor (shallow) - Modifies water shallow color
If you know of any genuinely useful commands which are missing from the list above, please Email Me with the command and what it does, and I will update this list to include it. Please make sure to only submit working, tested console commands.
The next page provides more information on how to use the more useful of these commands, as well as how to use batch files for easy execution of multiple console commands.